Friday, March 28, 2014

Less thinking, More Playing.

I've been breathing on my own for 36 years and 6 days now and it took 36 years and 4 days for me to come up with those 4 words.  I sort of feel like Noah must have felt when that dove got back to him with the olive branch (What?!  it isn't even Easter...and I don't even go to church!).  Anyway, here I am.  I got my husband (who works too much, poor dear) my two kids (ages: 2 and 4) a lab/boarder collie mix (age: timeless) And (apparently) a whole lot of unnecessary punctuation.  But I say: No biggie!  It's play time folks. So feel free to stop by for ideas about having fun with your kids, tasty (generally healthy) things to eat, some witty commentary, maybe a question or two about how to better myself.  I'm not really sure.  I figure, though, life is a journey not a destination and this right here is nothing but a few dollars I just found in my fanny pack, just enough for a bus ticket to God knows where. So hop a board and lets get a move on!